NAMB The Monday Morning Messenger


Greetings from Sunny Florida

Good morning from sunny Florida! As you all probably know, I write this message on a Friday for Monday distribution, but by the time you get this, I will be attending the NMLS Conference in Miami, warming up from the frozen tundra of the Midwest. I have been asked to speak on a panel with two reps from the CFPB and a moderator from the NMLS. The title of the panel is “LO Compensation Rule, Examinations and the Market Forces Affecting Brokers.” This should be a good opportunity to get our word out. As this is the only panel breakout session at the event, it should be well-attended. I will have more on my experiences at the NMLS Conference next week.k


Uniform State Test

Last week, we talked about the NMLS Uniform State Test (UST). I do want to clarify one thing … you must complete your registration for the test by March 31. However, you have six months to actually take the test after you register. So don’t be shy. Register today.
We have had numerous, and I mean numerous requests (over 45 in fact), from people who are running for congressional and senate sets in the primaries. Just as a clarification for all of you who are asking us to participate and back your candidate in running for a set in Congress … it has always been the policy of NAMB to not donate to anyone in the primary. This rule actually goes back 20-plus years. So, NAMB will get involved in some races, but not until these candidates have won in the primary, and they are running in the November election. That has just been our policy.

Get Your LISA

Just a reminder, make sure that you register yourself for the Lending Integrity Seal of Approval. If you have renewed your NAMB membership, you have to renew your LISA as well. One of the things that may not have been explained enough is that the Seal of Approval is only good for one year, and after you renew your membership, you have to renew it. It only takes a few minutes, but it is well worth it. You qualify if you are a loan originator and are a member of NAMB. So what is stopping you? Do this today! Go to the NAMB Web site, look under “Membership,” and you will see the “Lending Integrity Seal of Approval.” Click on the link and follow the instructions.

Register NOW!

Don’t forget the NAMB 2014 Legislative & Regulatory Conference in Washington, D.C., March 2-4, 2014.
Until next week!

Donald J. Frommeyer, CRMS, President
NAMB—The Association of Mortgage Professionals


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